Our Fusion platform alerts allow publishers to choose the most convenient way to receive timely alerts and stay on top of any potential issues.
Our alerts system ensures that website publishers stay informed about critical issues through a variety of notification methods
As soon as drops in revenue are identified by our platform, we'll send you an instant message through your communication method of choice to make sure you (and we) can react as quickly as possible.
Our tag can detect more instant drops in traffic than revenue, as most of our revenue reports are received a couple of hours behind from third-parties. If your site goes down or our tag gets removed, we'll send you an instant notification.
Every now and then, we, or you, may add new Integration partners into our Fusion platform. Adding these partners will generally require ads.txt changes and we'll update you each day with any new updates if they are required and also, if any important ones in your ad stack are removed.
We only need your email and domain to complete each healthcheck