Our Fusion platform tracks publisher health, revenue reports with a custom report builder, and with performance reports that provide core metric tracking in a visual user interface.
Your dashboard provides at a glance information for all publishers in your immediate network, designed to help you keep track of the health of your network as a whole, spot trends and set your baselines & targets.
The revenue report is your main insight into publisher performance. Giving you a highly transparent breakdown of costs and even the viewability of impressions. These reports are designed to be built for your needs, allowing complete customisation over date ranges, fields and filters.
The performance reporting gives you graphical insight into various core metrics. On top of expected tag metrics and revenue data, you can also give live revenue for the day so far, as well as latency stats to gain insight into your sites performance and how that might be impacting earnings.
The health report is a organisation-wide view of your publisher website. It includes any significant impressions drop-offs and any ads.txt issues that would be affecting revenue.
We only need your email and domain to complete each healthcheck